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Moving with pain

  • 24 Steps




Pain has a tendency to contract us, stop us or limit our movement, and very often, create fear in us. We stop moving because we fear evoking more pain. We compensate for our breath and by doing that, we usually cause more pain. I'm a big believer in education, alongside and sometimes even before the intervention.  In this program, you will learn small, simple steps to help you move with pain, with the fear of the pain, and unwind the contraction that causes the pain. It's built from 15 mini-classes that combine theory and understanding with exercises to explore and practice. It’s built in a way that allows you to go in your own rhythm. Plus, you will have lifetime access to it and a place to ask questions that may rise. This program is perfect to teach us about the possibility of moving with physical or emotional pain, a kind of tool kit that is great to have. If you carry chronic pain in your body, this program probably will not be the thing that will solve it. But, it will be a great tool for you to practice while or alongside any intervention. This program does not replace professional advice. If you feel not sure please consult your medical doctor.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



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