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Bodynamic – Somatic Psychology and Analysis System

The Bodynamic – Somatic Psychology and Analysis System – is a pioneering method of somatic developmental psychology and psychotherapy that integrates current research in the psychomotor development of children, cognitive and depth psychotherapy, brain research, and special emphasis on the quality of contact and on healthy relationship.

The core belief of the Bodynamic System is that the human being is a social being motivated by a deep drive toward contact and connection with others, without losing pride and dignity, seeking what we term termed Mutual Connection.
Our understanding is that Dignity and Worthiness is built up in an individual through a deep sense of mutuality and compassionate affirmation. When core aspects and emotions of the self are not affirmed or supported in childhood, it leads to the creation of defenses which then become the source of relationship problems later in life.

Using the body as a resource we assist in building new psychological competencies in an individual that were missed during childhood development. Building these new resources often results in a new profound sense of self and being that was difficult to initially imagine.

You can explore the system further here. 

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